Photographic Society Of America (PSA)

Our PSA Chair for this season is Barb Marszalek. Please email us at if you require PSA related assistance.


The Photographic Society of America is one of the largest non-profit organizations for photographers and photographic organizations. Established in 1934, they have members in over 60 countries. Clubs are the backbone of PSA's beginnings and are still an important part of its membership. Clubs participate in competitions, receive newsletters for photo organizations, and get worldwide recognition on our website. Organizations joining PSA are represented by a Representative from the organization, and all communications between PSA and the organization are through the Representative.


Latest News

The September News Article has been published. We hope you enjoy reading it.


PSA Downloads

PSA requires each member whose image is being used for a competition, to sign the permission form. download the form


Annual Contests To Recognize The Best Camera Club Newsletters

PSA (the Photographic Society of America) holds annual contests to recognize the best camera club newsletters and magazines. A newsletter is defined as generally less than 10 pages, with primarily information about club operations and with up to two shorter articles. As you may have noticed, the Viewfinder hasn’t had any feature articles for awhile. We don’t believe that we will be competitive without one. So this is a call-out to the club members.  If you think you can contribute something this year, let us know. The timing is flexible because we get to choose which issue of the Viewfinder to submit to the contest.

PSA defines an article is one or more pages describing a photographic or processing technique, a book or software review, or details of a field trip or workshop that is more than a calendar type entry.

If you think you may be able to submit an article for publication to our newsletter, please let us know by sending an email.


Click here to learn more about PSA.

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