Members - How To Join/Renew
- Please feel free to review the many benefits that being a member has to offer.
- Our season runs from September through early May.
- The membership fee is $50 for the half season (Canadian Currency).
Let’s Start Your Membership Request/Renewal
Very important: Please refrain from starting your membership request/renewal until you can complete the two steps together. Failure to complete any of these steps will result in a delay in being added to the club's membership.
STEP ONE - Complete The Membership Request Application
STEP TWO - Pay The Membership Fee
No Fee payment is required for Honorary Members.
Payments are made by eTransfer from your bank.
Send payment via eTransfer to "" No security question or phone number is required.
If you require assistance with sending your eTransfer then e-mail us at and include a phone number where you can be reached.
What Happens Now?
Once you have completed the two steps required for the Membership Request/Renewal process, the Membership Administrator will confirm your payment and grant your ECC member access. A Membership Approval e-mail confirming your membership will be sent to you. If you don't see your Membership Approval e-mail within a few days of your Membership Request/Renewal, please check the "Junk Mail" folder of your e-mail service.
If you have not received a Membership Approval e-mail, please DO NOT create another membership request using a different e-mail address. Only one account per person is allowed. E-mail our Membership Director at for assistance/any questions you might have, and include a phone number where you can be reached.
New members will be paired up with a club ambassador. The ambassador will provide answers and guidance throughout the year, when needed. An ambassador will be assigned shortly after the season starts.
That's it! We're very happy that you have decided to join our club. We look forward to getting to know you. See you at the next club meeting!
Other Important Information
ECC has different competition levels based on the member's photographic experience. New members are automatically assigned to the Intermediate Level. Go to Find Out More About Our Competitions.
To change your password, log in and go to the menu My Account>Account Settings. Select the button to "Change Password."
ECC reserves the right to refuse any applicant for membership. Our expectation is that all members will be treated with respect, honesty, and integrity.
Spaces are limited, memberships are on a first-come, first-served basis only.
E-mail us if you have any general inquiries/questions at and include a phone number where you can be reached.
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