Members - How To Join/Renew

  • Please feel free to review the many benefits that being a member has to offer.
  • Our season runs from September through early May.
  • The membership fee is $50 for the half season (Canadian Currency).


Let’s Start Your Membership Request/Renewal

 Very important: Please refrain from starting your membership request/renewal until you can complete the two steps together. Failure to complete any of these steps will result in a delay in being added to the club's membership. 

STEP ONE - Complete The Membership Request Application

STEP TWO - Pay The Membership Fee

  • No Fee payment is required for Honorary Members.

  • Payments are made by eTransfer from your bank.

  • Send payment via eTransfer to "" No security question or phone number is required.

  • If you require assistance with sending your eTransfer then e-mail us at and include a phone number where you can be reached.

What Happens Now?

  • Once you have completed the two steps required for the Membership Request/Renewal process, the Membership Administrator will confirm your payment and grant your ECC member access. A Membership Approval e-mail confirming your membership will be sent to you. If you don't see your Membership Approval e-mail within a few days of your Membership Request/Renewal, please check the "Junk Mail" folder of your e-mail service. 

  • If you have not received a Membership Approval e-mail, please DO NOT create another membership request using a different e-mail address. Only one account per person is allowed. E-mail our Membership Director at for assistance/any questions you might have, and include a phone number where you can be reached. 

  • New members will be paired up with a club ambassador. The ambassador will provide answers and guidance throughout the year, when needed. An ambassador will be assigned shortly after the season starts.

  • That's it! We're very happy that you have decided to join our club. We look forward to getting to know you. See you at the next club meeting!


Other Important Information

  • ECC has different competition levels based on the member's photographic experience. New members are automatically assigned to the Intermediate Level. Go to Find Out More About Our Competitions.

  • To change your password, log in and go to the menu My Account>Account Settings. Select the button to "Change Password." 

  • ECC reserves the right to refuse any applicant for membership. Our expectation is that all members will be treated with respect, honesty, and integrity.

  • Spaces are limited, memberships are on a first-come, first-served basis only.



  • Guests can purchase tickets to watch any of our speaker presentations via Zoom. For further information go to the Guest Information Page


E-mail us if you have any general inquiries/questions at and include a phone number where you can be reached.


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