Club Competitions


The purpose of the ECC competitions is to

  • encourage members to practice their art through seven competitions per season,
  • provide educational opportunities for improvement, and
  • reward members' photographic achievements.

In addition, competitions provide an educational component. They are judged by Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA) certified judges who also provide verbal critiques. The images and the critiques are then included in a slide show that is part of every monthly meeting.

Participation in the competitions is optional, but encouraged.


There are seven category based competitions per season and an Image Of The Year competition which takes place during our end of year banquet.

Competition Categories

We have more competition categories than we have competitions in any given year. Therefore, competition categories will be rotated in and out on a yearly basis. The competition categories are as follows:

  • Photographer’s Choice #1

  • Photographer’s Choice #2 (Monochrome)

  • People

  • Architecture

  • Altered Reality

  • Nature

  • Landscape

  • Theme Competition

  • Print

  • Audio Visual

Friendly Competitions

There may be additional "Friendly" competitions, such as the Christmas Friendly, and others, as decided from time to time. These competitions may be judged by club members but the scores will not be used for level advancement purposes. Participation in the competitions is optional.

Competition Levels

Members participate in one of three competition levels. New members will normally start out in the Intermediate level. The levels are as follows:

  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Superset

More Information

Competition Rules.

CAPA Stance on Artificial Intelligence in Photo Competitions.

Current Competitions by date.

Current Competitions by category.


E-mail us if you have any competition related questions at


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